Modern Slavery Statement


Alliance Personnel Limited recognise that that all businesses have a responsibility to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in their business or supply chains. Alliance Personnel operate as an employment business and employment agency, predominantly sourcing and supplying staff for the industrial, Transport and Commercial sectors.


Supply Chain

As a staffing provider, all temporary staff who register with Alliance Personnel for temporary work are interviewed personally by a member of our team, their identification and right to work in the UK documentation is inspected and photocopied.  In order to protect the integrity of our processes, we do not sub contract the provision of our labour supply.

As workers and prospective employees are directly sourced by Alliance Personnel ltd, our link in any supply chain is as supplier – any supply into Alliance Personnel into Alliance Personnel Ltd is incidental, e.g. the purchase of office supplies.


Our Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that we take all reasonable steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking within our business. Our policies on tackling hidden labour exploitation and ethical trading reflect our commitment to acting with integrity and ensuring that our systems and controls are effective in identifying any potential risks in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.


Due Diligence

  • Our contracts with clients reflect the principles within our ethical trading and tackling hidden labour exploitation policies
  • All prospective new workers are interviewed in person, with questions targeted for to try and identify whether they are subject to any form of modern slavery
  • We operate a policy of workers only being able to have their wages paid into a bank account that is in their name (individual or Joint). We have systems in place to monitor duplicate occurrences of bank accounts and multiple uses of the same home address so we can investigate any concerns.
  • All staff responsible for recruiting and sourcing workers are trained and required to sign up to a set of recruiter principles that govern their methods of recruiting new staff
  • Staff are encouraged to notify ourselves in confidence, of any concerns in relation to modern slavery
  • Alliance Personnel carry out audits to ensure that all policies and practices are being met. We are also subject to client and independent audits that include randomly selected workers that help us to detect any possible issues in relation to modern slavery
  • Where Alliance Personnel do have supplier agreements in place for office supplies and sundries, wherever possible we utilise trusted local companies with whom we have long standing relationships


All workers joining the business to work on client sites are provided with an induction that includes information on sources of help should they, or their colleagues / friends be concerned about modern slavery.

All employees working for Alliance Personnel receive an induction that educates them about modern slavery and spotting the potential signs of modern slavery. All staff who are responsible for recruiting workers receive additional training in relation to our code of practice.

On an ongoing basis, responsibility lies with named senior managers to ensure that training and our understanding of the issues involved in modern slavery are kept up to date.

This statement is made pursuant to section 5(1) of the modern slavery act 2015 and constitutes Alliance Personnel’s slavery and human trafficking statement.